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Sauce Service
This service helps to integrate WebdriverIO and its WDIO testrunner with the Sauce Labs service. It automatically sets the job status for you and updates all important job properties like job name, tags, availability or custom data. By having Sauce Connect integrated, you only need some minor tweaks to your configuration to run all your tests through a secure tunnel.
As stated above, this service helps you to better integrate your tests with the Sauce service. Job annotations are a good example of this. These are special commands that annotate a job at a certain point of time, making it easier to find that point on the job details page.

This image shows the command list on Sauce Labs’ job details page running this Cucumber test. The service automatically creates job annotations to help you quickly find commands that caused test failures.
In order to use the service you need to download it from NPM:
| $ npm install wdio-sauce-service --save-dev
In order to use the service you need to set user and key in your wdio.conf.js file. It will automatically use Sauce Labs to run your integration tests. If you want to use Sauce Connect you just need to set sauceConnect: true.
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| export.config = { services: ['sauce'], user: process.env.SAUCE_USERNAME, key: process.env.SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY, sauceConnect: true, };
Your Sauce Labs username.
Type: String
Your Sauce Labs access key.
Type: String
If true it runs Sauce Connect and opens a secure connection between a Sauce Labs virtual machine running your browser tests.
Type: Boolean
Default: false
Apply Sauce Connect options (e.g. to change port number or logFile settings). See this list for more information.
Type: Object
Default: {}